4根手指炸斷爆血、下體遭波及 黎巴嫩呼叫器爆炸直擊影片曝光




每日郵報報導,事發於當地17日下午3時30分左右,呼叫器(俗稱BB Call)收到一則似乎來自真主黨高層的訊息之後,隨即發生爆炸。依據貝魯特一間超市的監視器畫面,當時戴着呼叫器的真主黨成員收到訊息之後,才盯着螢幕短短几秒鐘,呼叫器就爆炸,他整個人倒地不起,超市店員和其他購物者驚慌失措逃竄。


Leave aside that these pagers are used by doctors and nurses.If Hezbollah blew up the phones or pagers of IDF soldiers, whether or not on duty, inevitably killing and maiming children and bystanders - he'd denounce this as an obscene terrorist attack.pic.twitter.com/Io1fQFsOKB https://t.co/3cen505orm

The pagers that exploded simultaneously in Lebanon, injuring close to 3,000 people were made by US firm Motorola & detonated by the israelis https://t.co/7HA9KZtYLB


The Zionist terrorist didn’t target Hezbollah members. They targeted everyone with a pager including doctors and nurses, killing a child. This is a nation wide terrorist attack. pic.twitter.com/9ojtlDMuHg


REPORT: Israel apparently intercepted the pagers from Taiwan that detonated in the pockets of thousands of Hezbollah fighters before they reached Lebanon. According to the New York Times, Israel tampered with the devices that Hezbollah ordered. They reportedly placed two… pic.twitter.com/hE1DmFhxDL