











InternationalZero-Carbon Island Cooperation Initiative

We, as the co-initiators,

Recognize that climate change is acommon challenge faced by all mankind and requires joint efforts of allcountries. Recalling the UnitedNations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), the United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, the 2050 Strategy for the Blue PacificContinent, and the Small Island Developing States AcceleratedModalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, we realizethat actively responding to climate change, adhering to the principles of common butdifferentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, andachieving green and low-carbon development havebecome a global consensus. This is particularly crucial given the high vulnerabilityof islands to climate change and the increasinglysevere survival crises they face. Hence, it is urgent to enhancethe climate resilience of islandsand explore pathways for just transition.

Acknowledge that zero-carbon island construction has become an important pathway to achieve green, low-carbon, and sustainable developmentand address climate change for islands. All relevant parties need to practice true multilateralism and makesystematic planning and concerted efforts to establish international norms andstandards, deepenexchanges and cooperation, as well as build aprosperous, clean, and beautiful world and a community of life between humansand nature.

Jointly launch the International Zero-Carbon Island CooperationInitiative, on the basis of existing consensus and achievements and with the goal of sustainable development of islands, to advocate island stakeholders worldwide engage in international zero-carbon island constructioncooperation, protectecological environments, reduce climate risks, explorezero-carbon pathways, promotegreen development, andfacilitate international cooperationand exchanges among islands.

— Enhance climate resilience:Strengthening the infrastructure and capacity building ofislandsto cope with rising sea levels, coastal erosion and extreme weather disasters,implementing the UN "Early Warning for All"initiative, bolstering scientific research andtechnological innovation in disaster prevention and reduction, promotingmutual assistance and sharing of emergency relief supplies, building"resilient islands" with strong adaptability to climate change, mitigating the losses and damages caused byclimate change,and continuously improving the well-being of island residents.

— Explorezero-carbon pathways: Strengtheningforward-looking studies,planningand project demonstrations in the construction of zero-carbon islands, exploring zero-carbon development pathways suitable to their own characteristics, buildingclean energy systems such asphotovoltaicenergy, wind power, geothermal energy, ocean energy, energy storage and smartgrids, popularizing greenbuildings, green transportation and green communities,promoting the development of modern marine fisheries, modernagriculture, low-carbon tourism and other low-carbon industries, and facilitatingthe extensivereplication, promotion and application of advancedprojects applying zero-carbon technologies among islands, thus achieving green, low-carbon and high-quality development of islands.

— Protect resources and ecosystems:Enhancing the protection, development, utilization,research and management of island resources, constructing comprehensive waterresource utilization projects such as seawater desalination, sewage treatmentand sponge cities, strengthening monitoring and assessment of island ecologicalenvironment, conducting coastal zone protection andrestoration, exploring theestablishment of mechanisms to realize the value of island ecologicalproducts, developing marine carbon sinks, and ensuring the healthy and sustainable development of marine ecosystems by adopting internationally advanced environmental protection concepts,policies and technologies.

— Strengthencooperation andexchanges: Establishing a high-level platform for international exchanges andcooperation by exploring the creation of theInternational Zero-Carbon Island Cooperation Organization to engage more island stakeholders, and facilitate information sharing, technical exchangesand mutual learning among all parties. Conducting joint research, planning and project cooperation in enhancingthe climate resilience of islands, exploring pathways to a zero-carbon future, and protecting resources and ecosystems; optimizing investment and financingenvironment; avoiding green trade barriers; and encouraging island stakeholders worldwide to increaseinvestment in the construction of international zero-carbon islands. Intensifying academic interaction and culturalexchanges among islands, establishing long-term cooperation mechanisms in talent development, expertexchange, technical training and public awareness campaigns, as well as strengthening international cooperation onclimate actions specific to island communities.

We call on governments andgovernment bodies, social organizations, higher education institutions, researchinstitutes, financial institutions, enterprises and other stakeholders fromislands worldwide to act in close partnerships and contribute to the sustainabledevelopment of islands and global climate action.

Let's work together to create azero-carbon future!





































Co-Initiators of theInternational Zero-Carbon Island Cooperation Initiative

I. Initiating Cities and Islands

1. People'sGovernment of Yantai City, Shandong Province, the People’s Republic of China

2. People'sGovernment of Putian City, Fujian Province, the People’s Republic of China

3. People'sGovernment of Qionghai City, Hainan Province, the People’s Republic of China

4. KoloniaTown Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

5. PingtanIsland of Fujian Province, the People’s Republic of China

6. MeizhouIsland of Fujian Province, the People’s Republic of China

7. ChangdaoIsland of Shandong Province, the People’s Republic of China

8. LingshanIsland of Shandong Province, the People’s Republic of China

9. BintanIsland of the Republic of Indonesia

II. International Organizations and Research Institutions

1. EnergyFoundation

2. RockyMountain Institute Beijing Office

3. Centrefor Asian Philanthropy and Society

4. EnvironmentalConcerns Action Network of Salomon Islands

5. PekingUniversity

6. OceanUniversity of China

7. NationalCenter for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation

8. Institutesof Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences

9. YantaiInstitute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

10. IslandResearch Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources

11. ChinaQuality Certification Centre

12. ChinaEnvironmental Protection Foundation

13. ResearchCenter for Pacific Island Countries, Liaocheng University

14. ResearchCenter for Indian Ocean Island Countries, South China University of Technology

15. IndianOcean Rim Research Center for Island Countries, Dalian University

16. Allianceof Small Island Area Studies

17. Research Center for OceanNegative Carbon Emissions, Xiamen

III. FinancialInstitutions and Enterprises

1. HengfengBank

2. AirLiquide China

3. Itochu Corporation

4. DongfangElectronics Corporation

5. JinghaiMarine Fishery Co., Ltd.

6. JinzhengEnvironmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.