洛杉磯野火吞噬富人區!逾千豪宅「燒成廢墟」 驚人前後對比圖曝

Palisades in LA, California Before (Google Maps) and after the fire pic.twitter.com/bdRWU9uz62



從衛星圖可見,位於聖塔蒙尼加(Santa Monica)與太平洋之間原本富裕的豪宅區太平洋斷崖(Pacific Palisades),如今因大火重創,災情慘烈;數千棟豪宅被燒燬,現場幾乎成爲廢墟。鄰近的馬里布(Malibu)沿海地區同樣未能倖免,整片海岸線被燒成焦黑,沿岸建築物無一倖存。

Before & After: Satellite images comparing pre- and post-wildfire scenes in Los Angeles, California, reveal the devastating impact of the blaze.Source: AA pic.twitter.com/iLjVGni3qm

The before-and-after fire devastation in LA is a powerful reminder of the beauty of progress. Thanks to Newsom and Karen Bass, these fires symbolize the sacrifices we must make for equity. pic.twitter.com/QIHEfUoFEK

A reminder of nature’s power. Flying over Pasadena before and after the Eaton Canyon Fire. Let’s support local recovery efforts and Stay safe, SoCal. Prayers to my LA community and thank you to our amazing fire departments. #EatonCanyonFire#EatonCanyon #PasadenaStrong… pic.twitter.com/siwLArXE2B

Just to put the magnitude of the fire into perspective. This is Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles, California. Before After pic.twitter.com/3Ka4cUaeXT

This is Malibu, California before and after the LA Fires. pic.twitter.com/jAF96klbR2

LA fires haunting before and after images reveal extent of blaze's devastationhttps://t.co/zWnQZxEZUi pic.twitter.com/C18wv6Eefr