美怪獸颶風「閃電狂襲」衛星影像曝光 市長警告:不撤離就會死

Prolific lightning flashes within Hurricane Milton's eye wall.An incredible full day view of the Category 5 storm. pic.twitter.com/oWOIpwscxu




A mass evacuation is in progress in Sarasota, Florida, following the upgrade of Hurricane Milton to a Category 5. Here’s a look at the northbound traffic on I-75 as residents make their escape.@MyRadarWX #flwx #hurricane #milton pic.twitter.com/vC2pEvxLR2

A mass exodus from the Tampa Bay area is occurring today, driven by mandatory evacuations and urgent warnings of unprecedented storm surge as major hurricane #Milton approaches landfall. pic.twitter.com/U4FatLxa6e

坦帕灣國家氣象局官員在社羣媒體上發文警告,「若密爾頓颶風路徑持續不變,將成爲100多年來侵襲坦帕灣地區的最強風暴,若接到疏散通知,請即刻撤離。」坦帕所在的希爾斯波羅郡(Hillsborough County)已向部分地區發佈強制疏散令。

坦帕市長卡斯特(Jane Castor)7日更說,先前的海倫颶風已敲響警鐘,這次密爾頓颶風挾帶的潛在威脅是災難性的,如果撤離區域內的居民選擇留下來,「你就會死」。

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor: “I can say this without any dramatization whatsoever: If you choose to stay in one of those evacuation areas, you are going to die.” pic.twitter.com/CP0VmK3TUC