我當乾媽啦!家裡有中途小貓 月月興奮蹦跳當保母顧寶寶



▲月月看見小寶寶超開心的啦。(圖/翻攝自Lilo The Husky臉書,下同)

這名飼主經常在臉書粉專Lilo The Husky分享毛小孩的日常點滴,白天的時候她都會放中途小貓們出來走走,到了晚上會在讓牠們回到睡窩。Lilo和另一隻貓咪Rosie每天早晨都會自動到貓門前守候,等待牠們放風,特別是Lilo,最喜歡跟寶寶玩在一塊。飼主也提到,這幾隻小貓正在找家,雖然家裡的毛小孩都愛牠們,但如果自己收編了,就沒辦法救援其他動物


Our morning routine! Our foster kittens sleep in a playpen at night so they don’t get into any mischief, but Lilo and Rosie always greet them every morning! Fudge, Mint, and Waffle are still up for adoption! Please visit Mini Cat Town for more info! . . Disclaimer: We do not leave our fosters and Huskies unsupervised together! We know Lilo only wants to play, but she is A LOT bigger than them and she does knock them down sometimes. Huskies in general are known for their intense prey drive, so even though this is very adorable, we still do not leave huskies and kittens together unsupervised!
