編曲軟體GarageBand15歲了 已超過10億臺設備使用

編曲軟體 GarageBand 15歲了。(圖/業者提供)



綜合外電報導,「GarageBand」於2004年蘋果的MacWorld大會上進行發表,當初是由蘋果創辦人賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)和知名音樂人John Mayer一起介紹,該軟體介面簡單且容易上手,標榜人人都能使用,另外像是肯德里克·拉馬爾(Kendrick Lamar)、蕾哈娜(Rihanna)等專業音樂人,也都曾標示他們會使用「GarageBand」來完成創作

時至今日,全球已有超過10億臺iPhone、iPad、Mac等蘋果裝置有在使用GarageBand,而當初與賈伯斯一同發表GarageBand的知名音樂人John Mayer近日也在Instagram發佈一則紀念貼文,文中指出,因爲GarageBand的發佈,讓數百萬過去沒機會接觸音樂的人有了全新的機會,「我曾認識這麼一個改變世界的人」。

▼知名音樂人John Mayer的Instagram貼文。

On this day 15 years ago, I helped Steve Jobs introduce GarageBand to the world. Since then, it’s brought music composition and production into the lives of millions of people who might have never had access to it otherwise. Looking back on it, I believe this was a kind of altruism on Steve’s part, offering the app for free on Apple devices and eventually for all. He loved music as much as anything else in his life, and GarageBand was Steve’s way of giving people the tools to discover the music within themselves. I once knew a man who changed the world.

John Mayer