癱瘓兔兔困雪地凍成冰棒被撿到 小滑板讓牠能盡情狂奔



只有巴掌大的小白兔Wheelz出生在美國一座名爲Overlook Acres的農場,牠被發現得時候已經在雪地裡被凍成冰棒,推測應該是被年紀較大得兔子啃咬,並拖行出牠活動小盒子中,導致牠後腿癱瘓沒有辦法正常行走。不過男主人傑森(Jason Ambrosino)並不放棄,爲牠特製了醫個小滑板輪椅,讓這隻小白兔可以盡情奔跑!

▲Wheelz的後腿已經癱瘓。(圖/翻攝自Overlook Acres粉絲專頁

▲邊泡澡邊喝奶,真是太享受了。(圖/翻攝自Overlook Acres粉絲專頁)


▲▼這個只有巴掌大的小朋友其實也很撒嬌。(圖/翻攝自Overlook Acres粉絲專頁)



Sometimes with farm life you have to make hard decisions....like putting down an animal because the quality of life is no longer good. However, at Overlook Acres we do what we can. Over the past few weeks we have had about 6 litters of bunnies born. We lost many to the frigid temperatures of upstate New York. But thanks to Christine Griffith she took the remaining bunnies inside and bottle fed each one. I found this little guy in the barn stiff and half frozen and brought him inside. After a few days of warmth he was eating normal but wasnt moving his back legs. It appeared he was paralyzed from his belly down. Normally this circumstance would result in putting the animals down and out of his misery but he didnt seem to be in any pain. He managed to still pull himself around the floor and was moving faster than the other babies. So, Christine took it upon herself to buy a $1 skateboard toy at the dollar store and manuifacture a mini wheel chair body for this little guy. He is as happy as can be and loves his speed. Share the video if you would like. Who doesn't love a baby bunny in a wheelchair??